What is Video Conferencing and 5 Tips on Conducting Effective Video Conferencing

Shachar Ben-David
Updated March 16 2020
Shachar Ben-David
Updated March 16 2020

Like everyone in the world, we’re concerned by the emerging COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. Our hearts are with everyone who’s currently affected. In order to provide some sense of relief around the uncertainty of working from home during this time, we’ve put together this blog to help you assess your needs and conduct effective video conferencing.

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What is Video Conferencing?

Video conferencing is the technology that allows two or more people in different locations to work together by hearing and seeing each other through their device, using a video conferencing tool or platform. Adding the element of video adds a layer of personalization and engagement to the audio-only solutions. Outside of face to face communication, video conferencing is the most effective method of collaborative work. Video conferencing can be used for one-on-one meetings, small team meetings, sales pitches, client calls, remote conferences, remote education, online learning, training, and so much more.

Why Should You Use Video Conferences?

Although we are now experiencing an unfortunate situation where many of us are encouraged to work from home, video conferencing is useful and efficient anytime. With the birth of advanced video conference tools, people across the world are now able to connect for a variety of reasons, including business purposes, instructional and educational needs, and communicating with loved ones from afar, to name a few.

Video meetings are far more engaging than audio-only meetings, and with video conferences, you can expect attendance and participation of all necessary stakeholders, regardless of time zone, traffic, children, or other restrictions, all while proving beneficial to staying efficient and on task. Advanced video conference technology, like Kaltura’s meeting solution, allows you to create an interactive meeting experience that is as productive and engaging as an in-person meeting, without the hassle of scheduling and gathering.

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Video conferencing is an incredible tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes. Whether you are looking for a solution for an international company, for training purposes, or a small work-from-home operation, a video conferencing solution could prove beneficial for you. When deciding on what sort of platform to work with, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Find a platform that allows an unlimited number of participants in each video conference, without hurting the quality of the experience
  • Make sure the platform doesn’t require any installations or downloads, and works from any device, especially if you plan to use the platform with potential clients or folks who are less tech-savvy
  • Customizing the platform can make a huge difference in how your clients perceive you, so ensure your platform allows a level of customization and personalization
  • In order to ensure engagement, you want your conference tool to be collaborative and fun. Get a tool that allows users to work together on presentations, “whiteboards”, and data collection tools like polls or Q&A
  • Most importantly, you want to ensure your platform can integrate to your CMS, and allows you to save and use the videos later on. I don’t just mean saving the call as file in a random folder on your desktop, but rather in an organized fashion within the platform for easy search and retrieval


While there are myriad of solutions available, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you about the Kaltura Virtual Meeting Solution, which allows for all of the points discussed above, and more.

Still feeling a bit overwhelmed? We’ve put together this list of tips to help you get started:

Be ready.

This may seem obvious, but we cannot stress how important it is. Make sure to test out all your equipment (sound, speakers,video, internet connection) in advance. We all know how irritating it can be to get on a video call, only to have the other person not find their headset for 15 minutes. Be totally ready for your video conference when it starts.

effective online conferencing

They can see you.

Even though you are working from home, you are still working and video conferencing with coworkers and potential customers and therefore, it is important that you are dressed properly for the call. Maintaining the professionalism when it comes to how you look is important, even if you aren’t leaving the house. Additionally, making eye contact with the camera helps show that this meeting has your full attention.


Even though it may be obvious to you what the conversation is about, video conferencing does pose another barrier, and having a clear agenda in advance can help the meeting run much smoother. It gives both you and the rest of the participants the ability to prepare in advance and stay on track throughout the meeting.


Keep it quiet and neat.

You may be used to the sound of ambulances outside your window at all hours, but your participants may not be. Make sure that your chosen workspace is as quiet as possible from all noisy distractions, and mute yourself when you aren’t speaking. Additionally, make sure your workspace is neat and presentable – you don’t want everyone seeing your dirty pile of dishes or your unmentionables in the corner.

girl effective online conferencing

Be exciting!

Having a video conference gives you an opportunity to show off your presentation skills. Don’t shy away from adding a little more enthusiasm to the meeting; you want your participants to engage with you and with the meeting topic. Help the group break the ice by introducing yourself and others and try to keep the conversation as “face-to-face” as possible.



As the technology evolves, and in the current climate, video conferencing is being used by an increasing number of people for countless use-cases. When thinking about video conferences, make sure you are using a platform or solution that really answers all your needs. When prepping for your video calls, try to keep to the above tips, and remember that video conferences are still in-person interactions that allow effective communication, and should be treated in a professional and courteous manner.

Interested in more details about the Kaltura Meeting Solution?

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