
Sneak Peek: Kaltura MediaSpace 5 Video Portal

Market-Leading Video Portal

RWDIt is no surprise that online video consumption increases year over year, as video becomes the standard form of communication and collaboration. With the increasing popularity of connected smart phones and tablets, mobile video views jumped 300% in the last year alone. Delivering a cross device video experience doesn’t stop at the transcoding and playback – it requires an optimized and engaging experience in the application itself. To address these requirements, we have worked feverishly with our customers to take MediaSpace to the next level and deliver an optimized cross device experience by using responsive web technology.

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a form of design that adapts to the screen size on which a website is being displayed. It addresses the evolving landscape of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets by building a fluid layout that looks great no matter which size or shape device they are viewed in. After evaluating different approaches and frameworks we chose to base the MediaSpace user interface on Bootstrap, which is the leading open source RWD framework and most popular project in GitHub.
Since we were implementing a new user interface, we took advantage of this process to rethink and rebuild the entire user experience from the ground up. Every section in the application has been optimized for speed and usability. We’ve rethought the way that content and channels are organized, how we can streamline processes by decentralizing entitlement management and how to make it easier to customize the look and feel of MediaSpace.
More detailed information will be communicated in the coming weeks leading up to the release, but we wanted to share with you a few snippets of the new look and some draft documentation so you can get ready for this major release.
The navigation has been unified and now you can assign both media and channels to the same hierarchy of categories, allowing you to browse both content and user curated collections in the same place.


View Media
The newly designed media page provides the central engagement functionality for the media in the same view rather than having it all split between different tabs. When you view a media entry, you will have direct access to the metadata, comments, share, like and in-video search without any additional clicks.


In addition, we have created a unique experience for different types of media allowing you to use a different player for video, audio and image entries.
MediaSpace Skinning
One of the major advantages of MediaSpace is that it is an expandable and modular platform. In MediaSpace 5 we made it even easier to create your own custom CSS, by adopting the standard Bootstrap CSS format. There are different free tools that allow you to build a standard Bootstrap CSS without the need to do any coding and you will be able to upload that custom CSS directly from your MediaSpace admin console to quickly adapt the look to your own brand style. You can refer to the draft styling guide to see the possibilities and start creating your custom MediaSpace 5 CSS.
We look forward to your feedback and continued collaboration to make MediaSpace even better!

Let's Get Going