How to Use Video for Corporate Learning and Development Header

How to Use Video for Corporate Learning and Development


The global workforce has been reconfigured. The professional world is now largely hybrid, and this digital-first way of working is appearing to be more permanent by the day.

This “work from anywhere” mentality makes it more important than ever for your corporate learning and development strategy to be rooted in digital and video processes. And a highly competitive recruitment landscape further underscores the immediate need to level-up your company’s L&D plan to match the needs of the modern employee.

Many companies are building digital learning and development processes with a mix-and-match stack of vendors, which is inefficient to run and confusing to operate. Join Kaltura for a 45-min. webinar to see how you can streamline operations with a unified video solution.

We’ll cover:

  • How to unlock easy video creation for knowledge sharing
  • Asynchronous and real-time video approaches to corporate education and training
  • What an on-demand employee training hub can look like
  • Data and analytics that can help you fine-tune your content plans
  • How a unified video solution accelerates the development of a hybrid or remote workforce


  • Sam Thompson
    Director of Outbound Product, Kaltura
Watch the Webinar